Yoda Best
Welcome my crafty friends thanks for stopping by today.
Today I have a pop up card I created for my boss (she LOVES Baby Yoda) using Karen Burniston Surprise Pop Up Ball and Itty Bitty Pop Up Ball along with some of her add ons. Vi Tran had done a Baby Yoda on Karen Burniston Pop-Up Peeps page so I give her all the credit I just adapted it.
I have not done a tutorial on this but I have linked the products that I used. Karen has great videos on constructing the balls. Mine does not pop as well as I would like but in order to get colors I wanted I doubled up on my cardstock and I think that is the problem. I will be making another one so I will try to find the weight cardstock in the colors I want. If you have any questions please reach out and I will try to help you.
Thanks for stopping by and until next time - happy crafting!
You only live once but if you live right once is enough!

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